On May 2019, Halotech DNA was in Minsk, Belarus, for the workshop: “Sperm DNA fragmentation: a concept more than a number. Diagnostics, clinical outcomes and patient management” and the practical training on “Sperm DNA fragmentation testing using Sperm Chromatin Dispersion method, in the clinical laboratory setting”. For this we had the presence of Professor Jaime Gosálvez Berenguer – Technical Director of Halotech DNA and Professor in Genetics of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), that shared his knowledge and answered the questions of the over 30 spectators present. We also had the presence of Dra Carmen Lopez – Expert in Genetics from UAM – and Daniela Martins – Sales Director, Halotech DNA.
This event was only possible due to the attention, dedication and organization of the team from Cell Diagnostic, official distributor of Halotech DNA in Belarus.